Transtibial Post-Operative Management

This course has been prepared by Charlye Tran, CPO from New York, NY. Charlye completed her prosthetic residency in New York focusing on lower limb prosthetics and her orthotic residency at Connecticut Children's Medical Center.

This course applies to prosthetists and others in the O & P industry looking to learn more about post-operative management after a lower extremity surgery.

At the end of this course, you should understand:

  • Identify the goals for post-operative management of the transtibial residuum.
  • Define advantages and disadvantages of soft dressing, rigid dressings and postoperative prostheses.
  • Examine a few of the pre-fabricated options for post-operative management on the market today.
Your cost:
ABC credits:
0.50 (S)
BOC credits:
0.60 (S)
Passing score: