Symes Amputations and Prosthetic Management

This course has been prepared by Charlye Tran, CPO from New York, NY. Charlye completed her prosthetic residency in New York focusing on lower limb prosthetics and her orthotic residency at Connecticut Children's Medical Center.

Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Define Symes Amputations
  • Discuss the levels of Amputations below the knee
  • Discuss surgical techniques
  • Investigate possible complications secondary to Symes Amputations
  • Examine Post-Operative management and its importance
  • Suggest different methods of prosthetic Intervention
    • Socket
    • Feet
Your cost:
General credits:
ABC credits:
0.60 (S)
BOC credits:
0.60 (S)
Passing score: