Contracture Management Passive ROM Technique

This course was developed by John Kenny, BOCO - Vice President, Ongoing Care Solution - NeuroFlex as an added visual opportunity to understand patient care with contractures and spasticity. The course covers the management of patients with contractures. You will learn how to correct assessment, preparation and donning procedure for a dynamic Contracture device using "Neuro Stretch" method of relaxing the limb with a severe wrist contracture during fitting.

The following will be covered in this course:

  • Clinical Pathway to Orthotic Therapy Success.
  • Patient assessment and preparation.
  • Diagnosis based Orthotic choices for severe wrist contractures.
  • How to preform patient care and fitting using "Neuro Stretch" procedure.
  • Patient donning procedure of a dynamic splint orthosis.
Your cost:
General credits:
ABC credits:
0.75 (S)
BOC credits:
0.75 (S)
Passing score: